Browsing all articles from August, 2011


Author Aaron    Category News     Tags

We’ve had some exciting new developments. Thanks to the efforts of our members, the transistor has acquired computers for the public work space!


DEFCON – Pictures

Author Aaron    Category News     Tags

Defcon was awesome. We had a lot of fun, learned a lot, and it was an excellent opportunity to see what other hackerspaces were doing.

[Click title for Gallery]



Author Aaron    Category News     Tags

The transistor is attending defcon! We have a limited amount of Transistor stickers we’ll be passing out so track us down if you’d like to score one.


Make: Provo Monthly

Author Deven    Category News     Tags

Starting September Make: Provo will be a monthly only event. We will no longer be doing a weekly public night at that point. We have updated the website calendar to reflect this. (There will be a once-a-month public Make: Provo meeting the first Saturday of each month.)

Here are some of the reasons why we have decided to switch to this model:
*** It is a lot of work to host a public night every Saturday (even though we currently don’t do a whole lot, we still have to make sure we are there, the doors are unlocked, etc)

*** We would rather have one “big” night once a month then several small nights.

*** This will give us more time to concentrate on our projects so we can show them off on the Make: Provo meetings.

*** We would like to extend the hours that Make: Provo runs. (details on the calendar)

*** We would like to start providing a free public electronics / science / etc demonstrations each month. This will help with that as we need planning time. If you are interested in teaching a class / giving a demonstration please contact us via email or PM on the forums. (Details will be posted a month in advance on the calendar)

As an example Septembers Make: Provo will include a 30-60 minutes class/demonstration on using the TI TLC5940 ic. You are encouraged to bring a MCU and some LED’s if you would like to play with one of ours for a couple hours.

As a side note: we have a nice new public desk area set up for you to set up your projects, and we are working on getting computers at all 8 stations. (We do have additional seating as needed.)

Please send questions / comments to deven [at]
Please send all flames / spam to tim [at]

Thanks Again,
tT Staff