Browsing all articles from May, 2010

Major Update and Plans for the Future

Author kiyoshigawa    Category News     Tags ,

Hi everyone! Sorry for the lack of updates the last month. We’ve been busy working on all our various projects. I’ll try to keep up-to-date in the future with current pictures of our projects and plans. Enjoy the heaping piles of pictures from the last two months we have for you to see posted below!

Since last the page was updated, we’ve made some organizational changes here at tT. We’ve moved the start time of Arduino Night from 5PM on Saturday nights to 6PM on Saturday nights. This is basically when people have been showing up anyways, so the change is just to match reality. We encourage anyone who’s interested to come down and have a look around, bring their projects or ideas and share them with everyone. It’s usually a fun time, with lots of cool projects, people, old-school gaming systems, and random silliness.

We’re also intending in the near future (or so Deven keeps telling me…) to update the website to have a store which will allow us to sell our Minimalist Arduino kits to anyone willing to pay for shipping in addition to the price of the kit. Currently we only sell them here at tT in Provo, but keep an eye out for this store to appear here soon.


2010-05-15 – Arduino Night

Author kiyoshigawa    Category News     Tags

We had a lot of fun at last week’s Arduino Night. Here’s delightful pictures of our adventures.

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Eric’s Minimalist Arduino

Eric decided to build a Minimalist Arduino kit which we have here at tT and put it onto a board, so here it is in its simplicity.

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2010-05-01 – Arduino Night

Author kiyoshigawa    Category News     Tags

We had a lot of fun at Arduino Night on the first of May. Here’s some pictures of our escapades.

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Reel-to-Reel Restoration

I was recently gifted a fancy old-timey reel-to-reel audio player and a pile of reels which go with it. After some fiddling, disassembly, more fiddling, giving up, more fiddling, cleaning, and eventually finding the right spring that needs a bit more pressure, we got it to make some noise that roughly resembles a slightly too-fast or too-slow version of the things on the reels. Here’s some pictures of it. Hopefully we can do something exciting with it in the future.

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Atari S-Video Mod

Deven recently acquired an Atari 800XL used online. It had poor RF video quality, so he decided to mod it to use S-Video out instead. Here’s some pics of the aforementioned mad genius at work:

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